Friday, February 27, 2009

A few photos from yesterday and the amazing weather we've had the last few days. Too bad it's chilly now and getting only colder! Joel of course doesn't look sick in the photos, but was sick most of this week with fever and a cough. He missed school all week and we took it easy here at home. We did go outside and play a bit. He found a feather floating and thought it was so funny to put it on his nose! I think the fever is gone and he's feeling much better today. Yeah! A week at home in the house is not my idea of fun, but we made it.
On another note, today I am 20 weeks....halfway point in this pregnancy. That is good news! I can't believe March is almost here and am looking forward to spring. Enjoying this phase of pregnancy. No sickness and feeling pretty good most of the time. I can't really complain. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

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Monday, February 9, 2009

Some News

I have been wanting to write and share some exciting news...I guess I wasn't sure of "when" to share. Many friends and family already know, but for the few I haven't been able to share with I thought I would finally try to write it in words. Yes, this July we will be adding to our family. I am almost 18 weeks pregnant. We are very excited, after thinking we might never have another child. I know God does things in His own time (not mine) and I am just so very thankful. I had finally thought I would be ok with just the three of us, and with Joel starting school next year I had been contemplating what I was going to do with myself. Well, God knew the answer.

I'm trying to spend my days enjoying each moment with Joel. I can't believe he will be 5 soon! I look at him and wonder where the days have gone. So I want to enjoy him now, while we have these few days to ourselves. I always ask God to write these special moments on my heart, knowing how easy it is to forget.

Have the windows open today and taking in some fresh air. Love these days in Feb. when it's warm and almost makes you think spring is here. I'll enjoy it today while I can! Off to blow bubbles with Joel.