Monday, November 16, 2009


This time of year I am always a little more contemplative...and lately it seems I find myself attempting to be thankful for all God has given and to live in these present moments...taking them in and being present. Enjoying each moment I have with my sweet baby girl and sweet boy. Already I'm wondering where have the moments/days/weeks gone? Enjoyed my Nan and Mom coming to visit last week. You can see the sweet pic of Abby and my Nan. Joel is just growing...growing in every way.
Thankful today for my family being well and healthy, for music that encourages me, and for the amazing way God chose to save us...Jesus as a baby. I can't help but hold Abby and think about how Jesus came. Really? A baby? We talk about it this time of year but when you stop and think...really let your heart wonder...Jesus came as a precious vulnerable baby and chose to come for us. Truly it is a mystery. Isn't it amazing the way He came.

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Friday, November 6, 2009

Hello Friday

Abby is 16 weeks old today and isn't she the cutest! Joel has been sick all week with the flu. He still isn't feeling great but I think he's getting better (I pray). Still Abby remains flu free and I sure hope she doesn't get it. Poor Joel...I hate seeing my children sick. Hope we can enjoy this beautiful weather over the weekend.
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Sunday, November 1, 2009