Thursday, July 31, 2008


Today was the last day of swimming lessong this summer. Joel has been going for 6 weeks now and went from being afraid of getting into the pool the first day to actually being able to swim! Of course he can't swim the length of the pool yet, but he can put his face in the water and keep himself swimming to reach the side all by himself (instead of sinking like a rock!). It's been a great experience. He made some great friends, including his instructor David. David was kind, patient and so great with Joel. During one session (2 weeks) the class was only Joel, his friend Journey, and then David the instructor. So it was almost like having private lessons. That's when Joel really started learning. Below are a few pictures from this last day.

Joel and David.

Journey, David, and Joel

Joel with Journey

Joel being a helper and picking up all the noodles!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Nana. Joel and I went to visit and celebrate my mom's bithday last week. Here are a few photos from our stay.... Mom...



The barn...

More of the barn and such...

And of course Joel...

The end...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

This and That

These are a few photos that I was going through today...from our Santa Fe trip in June to tball games. Loved this church in Chimayo. It's photographed alot and I don't know if I did it justice but the whole Chimayo area is beautiful. We also ate at Rancho de Chimayo and it was amazing!
Church at Chimayo, New Mexico.

Joel took this photo in Chimayo.

How Joel feels about being hot at tball.

What boys do during a tball game!

Joel this weekend playing outside. Cars and more Cars.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

4th of July

A few pics over the 4th weekend. Lots of fireworks and fun! Enjoy.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Sandy's Birthday

We celebrated our friend Sandy's 30th birthday this past weekend. We enjoyed going to our favorite restaurant, Musashi's, and had lot's of fun. Sandy got a special birthday gift and you must ask her about it if you see her! Happy birthday again my friend. Love to you!

Summer Days

I must admit I think he's pretty cute. Enjoying our days at the pool and playing outside in the evening. Hope you all are enjoying your summer days!